Singapore Chinese football players dilemma

Tanjong Katong Sec won the National Champions with 70% of its players being ethnic Chinese. But how many would finally go on to play for the National Team? If you have in-depth insights related to the games, I think you should consider getting a sports betting bonus to bet on how the play will take place.

Wednesday, I was on the taxi of Eugene Luo’s father; whom was playing for the Young Lions and had been the key reason why Temasek Polytechnic beat ITE in the S R Nathan Challenge Trophy Soccer Tournament in 2011. His father told me that Eugene Luo was imparting everything he learnt and trained in the National Team to his poly team mates, and thus led the team to becoming Champions for the first time ever.

However, Eugene Luo’s father is highly critical of football being a career in Singapore and discourages Eugene to take up a career in football. Besides he encourages Eugene to find more options online about what career to pursue aside from football. Eugene Luo happens to be top student. He is currently in the RSAF, just returned from his university studies in Australia – on course to be a RSAF pilot.

So again, how many Chinese players would actually make the step to be a professional footballer? With Sleague in greater shambles than ever before, (Tampines Rovers capped the salary at 2,500 SGD a month, imagine that…) How long would it take for Sleague to become a viable product?