Yet another stranger

Yet another day, yet another stranger…

Sitting upon the small conference table, in front of my 17 inch laptop; on the usual Monday morning meeting in my client’s office. Then came another stranger, another future partner to this blooming business of my client’s. Another blistering presentation and awesome personality/character – another person whom have incredible career achievement and success. Another pitch of a contract higher than what I can do; another slew of capabilities that I understood, capable of, but the lack of resources to accomplish.

What am I doing? I asked myself once again.

Its like every interesting new person that I met (usually only those “successful” type); I found myself looking at myself, at my progress. Deeply unsatisfied with where I am.

“You can work for him” said one of the colleague at the meeting. I am filled with disgust. For a working partner didn’t even understand that I’m an entrepreneur, not a common freelancer; utter failure to understand the pride and struggles I had invested in the past 3 years. While the personal ego takes the beating, it became clear that my image, career as well as standing is viewed lesser than its worth – to others, I’m just a freelancer (possibly a struggling one).

Reaffirmation that this will not last long or forever; either it will be ended by me or by them (when they grow too big for me to service). I prefer that it will be me.

I need to get out of this, move on to the next stage.

I deserve better. I am better.

Once again, my personal motto: “Break Free” – is back.