Enneagram of me.


Enneagram Test Results

Type 1 Orderliness |||||||||||| 46%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||||||| 86%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||||||||| 74%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 62%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||| 70%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||||| 82%

Your main type is 3
Your variant is omni

Take Free Enneagram Personality Test
Personality Test by SimilarMinds.com

type score type behavior motivation
3 21 I must be impressive and attractive to survive.
9 20 I must maintain peace/calm to survive.
4 18 I must be unique/different to survive.
5 17 I must be knowledgeable to survive.
6 17 I must be secure and safe to survive.
8 17 I must be strong and in control to survive.
2 16 I must be helpful and caring to survive.
7 15 I must be fun and entertained to survive.
1 11 I must be orderly/planned to survive.

Your main type is Type 3
Your variant stacking is omni
Your level of health is average

Your main type is which ever behavior you utilize most and/or prefer. Your variant reflects your scoring profile on all nine types: so = social variant (compliant, friendly), sx = sexual variant (assertive, intense), sp = self preservation variant (withdrawn, security seeking). For info on the flaws of the Enneagram system click here.


ADVANCED TEST RESULT: http://similarminds.com/advtest.html

Enneagram Test Results

Type 1 Perfectionism |||||||||||| 42%
Type 2 Helpfulness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 3 Image Focus |||||||||||||||||| 76%
Type 4 Individualism |||||||||||||||||| 72%
Type 5 Intellectualism |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 6 Security Focus |||||||||||||| 60%
Type 7 Adventurousness |||||||||||||||| 64%
Type 8 Aggressiveness |||||||||||||||| 66%
Type 9 Calmness |||||||||||||||||| 78%

Your main type is 9
Your variant is sexual

Take Free Advanced Enneagram Personality Test
Personality Test by SimilarMinds.com

type score type behavior motivation
9 39 I must maintain peace/calm to survive.
3 38 I must be impressive and attractive to survive.
4 36 I must be unique/different to survive.
2 33 I must be helpful and caring to survive.
5 33 I must be knowledgeable to survive.
8 33 I must be strong and in control to survive.
7 32 I must be fun and entertained to survive.
6 30 I must be secure and safe to survive.
1 21 I must be orderly/planned to survive.

Your main type is Type 9
Your variant stacking is sx/sp/so
Your level of health is average

Your main type is which ever behavior you utilize most and/or prefer. Your variant reflects your scoring profile on all nine types: so = social variant (compliant, friendly), sx = sexual variant (assertive, intense), sp = self preservation variant (withdrawn, security seeking).


Type 3 (The Face)


Motivation: To be impressive, attractive, successful
Potential problem: substituting being liked/impressive for having a real authentic personality
Historic antecedent: Materialism/Capitalism
Historic example: Most Politicians
Film example: Gordon Gecko (Wall Street)
Characteristics: strong need for and preoccupation with social status, winning is very important, image is important, finds popularity rewarding, needs to get their way, fame/prestige would make them happy, desires notoriety, cares about recognition, addicted to attention, would not be happy if they were poor, greatly values physical attractiveness, superficial, more external than internal, focuses more on being liked (being attractive) than what they like (what they find attractive), would rather fit in then be themself, values their own happiness and success over others, thinks they deserve a better life than others, has a big ego, self esteem is based on how attractive others think they are, sets high standards for self and others, likes expensive things, controlling, ostentatious (showy), likes to brag, seeks out positions of leadership, worries about what people think of them, competitive, divisive, puts a lot of effort into how they dress/look, would hate to be considered odd or strange

Healthy Type 3: The Performer
impressive without being arrogant, can effortlessly handle the spotlight, skilled performer/entertainer.
Average Type 3: The Histrionic
preoccupied with fame, prestige, social status; wants others to find them impressive; preoccupied with how attractive or unattractive they are to others
Unhealthy Type 3: The Envyist
longs for what they don’t have; competitive; compares themselves to others who are more accomplished/successful; envious; feels that to be ignored is to not exist; will act inappropriately in order to get attention


Type 4 (The Eccentric)


Motivation: To be unique, authentic, true to oneself
Potential problem: Being overly subjective, clinging to aspects of self which are not beneficial/healthy
Historic antecedent: Mysticism
Historic example: Thomas Merton
Film example: Christopher (Into The Wild)
Characteristics: not big on customs/traditions, has a strong need for individuality, anti-status quo, revolutionary, their ideas sometimes surprise people, does things others find strange, obscure, non-conformist, peculiar, considered to be eccentric by others, abstract, lives life on own terms, alternative, experimental, artistic, rebels for the sake of rebellion (i.e. even when it doesn’t make sense), good at making impromptu speeches, has take frequent stands in the face of strong opposition, inclined to do the opposite of what others want them to do, good at coming up with something new, radical, discordant thinker, complex, crazy, wild, atypical, idiosyncratic, likes losing them-self in things, random, often acts on the spur of the moment, creative, likes to do frightening things, improviser, seeks out the patterns of the universe, feels best taking risks, main motivation is to be different, feels attracted to the mysterious, prefers variety to routine, has a vivid imagination, spontaneous, breaks the rules, prone to excess, intense, mystical

Healthy Type 4: The Revolutionary
edgy, breaks new ground, pushes the envelope, creative/artistic, intuitive
Average Type 4: The Unconventionalist
different, idiosyncratic, experimental, unique, open
Unhealthy Type 4: The Stranger
cut off from reality, delusional, bizarre/schizotypal/schizophrenic, irrational, masochistic



Type 9 (The Stoic)


Motivation: To be calm, relaxed, at peace with others
Potential problem: Not developing an individual identity
Historic antecedent: Utopian
Historic example: Abraham Lincoln
Film/TV example: Older Siddhartha (Little Buddha)
Characteristics: calm, hard to upset, relaxed, not prone to anxiety, not hypersensitive, happy, content, can weather rejection, very patient, can handle people being mad at them, more tolerant than restless, good at suppressing unpleasant thoughts, does not find approval particulary important, modest and peaceful, can easily take mind off problems, comfort seeking/loving, indolent

Healthy Type 9: The Stoic
quietly strong, puts others at ease, wise, skilled mediator, unpretentious
Average Type 9: The Monk
nice, easy-going, placid, peaceful, agreeable, grounded
Unhealthy Type 9: The Slacker
lazy, passive, irresponsible, undeveloped, lost, spacey, overly compliant