Rebranded . Revamped

I finally kindda revamped the

I had been kindda having issues with my identity, as people who knows me, no longer knows what do I actually do now.

But whatever they know me to be, I’m still on it. Be it design, or printing; football or writing – they are all still ongoing.

So to remedy this extremely confusing multi-faceted identity, I decided that I need to put it out as clearly as I possibly can to everyone who knows me that I am more than what I seemed to be, and they can see immediately what I can actually offer to them.

Other than creating this banner for all my social media profiles, I also revamped into a central hub for anything to do with me. Following this, I will be linking all my websites with one another, in some form of cross selling across all my domains.

Hopefully with this personal rebranding, I am able to improve my business and fortune in the rest of 2018.