The hypothesis hypothesis

I have a hypothesis about having hypothesis to kickstart things or based things around.

It may not really be a new thing, just like design thinking had existed for as long as the collective intelligence of humans can reckon.

But by identifying and naming it, it is thus discovered. (Senseless sometimes)

Like how Columbus discovered the Americas – which is lame, as it had always been there.

So the hypothesis of hypothesis dictates that, by having a set of presupposed rules/ways of things of how things work, as if it is true, we set about doing things or test the hypothesis and then study the results of the hypothesis if it actually works as the hypothesis dictates.

Do you understand what that means?

Its huge! Just like the advent of Design Thinking where suddenly, the methodology of design can now be applied upon everything and everything can now be envisioned with the end in mind.

With the hypothesis hypothesis: you can now set upon studying/observing how something works, create that hypothesis of how it actually works (while claiming it as a hypothesis than just a self-righteous “its a fact loh” kindda demeanor) – it opens up a whole new world of paradigm and spectrum of acceptability on failure (if the hypothesis is debunked).

And in the event that the hypothesis is debunked, one do not feel distraught or lost, as one had already established that this is just a hypothesis and that it failed, it drives the person to establish a new hypothesis based on the lessons learnt from the failure of the old hypothesis, bringing us closer to something that actually works.

The beauty of hypothesis hypothesis is also that it stops ppl from procrastination, being perfectionist and also pointless self-deceiving righteousness. No one get hurts from its failure and no one will get hurt. Everything are done in the spirit of science and knowing better. In the pursue of knowledge and what works.

Its beautiful.

And the funny thing is, this hypothesis hypothesis itself is a hypothesis.

How beautiful, dun you agree?